Monthly Archives: November 2013

Connecting through Chords in a World Bent on Wireless Networks

It is no secret that with the advent of cellular and wireless phone technologies and their increased penetration in the market, the landline phones have taken a severe hit. The percentage of homes using landline phones has been plummeting and recording all time lows in the last few years. But is the good old landline phone on the verge of becoming completely obsolete? We think not. Telephone companies are making every effort to revive the old charm of landline phones and to bring it back to its original glory days. Most of these efforts include giving customers more and more incentives to get hooked to the landline phone again.

Various landline phone plans have been introduced by top telecom companies that are not only dirt cheap but also quite lucrative in terms of the services and facilities that they provide. The government is playing a vital role in introducing schemes and offers that draw people towards landline phone usage. This step enables people to stay in touch with their families and loved ones at all times. Home phones have become a necessity in today’s time and hence it has become important to find a reliable home phone service provider. Expert phone provides Lifeline government assisted home phone service.

This government assisted home phone program is available in Alabama, Arkansas and other states of the USA. Each state under this program has a different criterion for the application process and other specific formalities. Before enlisting for such a service, it is advisable to go through the various qualifying criteria and the costs applicable in your home state. When registering with Expert Phone, you are given the benefit of being able to avoid credit checks, deposits, contracts, and ID requirements. Apart from these benefits, there are additional benefits that come along when you install a home phone connection. Some of these include unlimited local calling, access to 911, liberty to call toll free numbers and, in most cases, internet connection at reduced prices. Long distance calls are also cheaper in comparison when made through landline phones. Having a landline connection is a must for every household in times today.

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Posted by on November 21, 2013 in Uncategorized