Monthly Archives: June 2013

Important Reasons to Keep Your Landline Phones

Fixed line telephones offer great promise for improving the economic well-being of people. Even in the wireless age, home phone service still has an important place in the home. Despite the rise of the cell phone’s popularity, one should consider the advantages of using landline phones before making the switch to a cell-phone-only household.

Benefits of Landline Phones:

  • Greater Reliability

  • Easy maintenance

  • Greater security and safety

  • Better 911 Location tracking

Currently, many people are facing economic hardship as well as struggling to improve their life by searching for the best options to save on their utilities. If you are on a strict monthly budget and need to find the best home telephone service provider to meet your desired goals, there are various valuable options for Home Phone service in many areas of the USA. Many residential service providers offer great local home phone service with some extra features like free long distance calls, internet service, or even lifeline government assistance.

If you are applying for landline telephone service, in many cases you just need to fill out an online order. If you are a low-income household, you may be eligible for the Lifeline program, which provides a government subsidy each month to reduce your bill.

If you are looking for home phone service in Alabama, Arkansas, and in the other states of the USA, Expert Phone is one of the best options.